唐甄是我国明清之际重要的启蒙思想家。在哲学上 ,他批评程朱理学的空疏 ,强调“修身”与“治世”、“尽性”与“事功”的统一 ,试图建立一种事功型的心学模式。在政治上 ,他骂封建帝王为“贼” ,主张改革时政 ,整顿官治 ,对礼法实行“弃旧图新”的改造。在道德上 ,他提出了“贾不辱身”的价值观和“人之生也无不同”的平等思想。唐甄的思想在一定程度上突破了封建的藩篱 ,而与正在缓慢发展的资本主义精神相一致 ,因而具有一定的启蒙价值。
TANG Zhen was an important enlightening thinker between the Ming and Qing dynasties. In philosophy, he attempted to establish a utilitarian pattern of thinking. In politics he stood for reforming actual politics and rectifying the bureaucratic administration. In morality, he advocated business being an open and upright profession and equality among people. Thus TANG Zhen's thought, in a way, broke through the defense of fudalism and caught up with the slowly developing capitalistic spirit and so, its enlightening value should not be neglected.
Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition