
新课程背景下教师教学观初探 被引量:25

A Survey of School Teachers' Conceptions of Teaching in Light of the New National Curriculum
摘要 基础教育课程改革已进入全面试验阶段。对国家试验区教师教学观念的初步调查证明 ,新课程的实施或者说新课程背景下的教师培训 ,有利于教师形成与新课程相适应的教学取向。同时在研究中还发现教师教学观的转变需要经验和环境的支持 ,不可能一蹴而就 ,这将是一件须长期努力的工作。 The New National School Curriculum has been put into practice all over the country. Results of the first-round survey of teachers in the National Curriculum Experimental Regions suggests that the implementation of the new curriculum has led to a change of teachers' conception of teaching, which is orienting to the ideologies of the new curriculum. While this change is still unstable, background supports from further experience are needed for the fulfillment of transformation.
作者 高凌飚
出处 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2004年第1期116-121,共6页 Journal of South China Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 新课程 教学观 教学取向 new curriculum conception of teaching orientation to teaching
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