一个世纪以来,中国学校体育始终在人文失落的困境中徘徊,并以此为基点衍生出诸多问题。从历史的 角度对我国学校体育的人文发展历程作以总结、反思,并对学校体育人文失落的原因进行深刻剖析,可以有助于 我们理性地认识、分析、解决当前基础教育改革面临的问题。
In the last century, physical education in school of China has been in the state of lacking humanism. This caused many problems in practice. From the historic view, the article deeply rethought the process of development in humanism of physical education,and analyzed the causes of lacking. The main aim is to help us revolve the difficulty faced by reformation.
Hubei Sports Science