21世纪是高科技飞跃发展的知识经济社会,人才的竞争日趋激烈。因此推行素质教育是高等学校面向 21世纪的重要任务。体育舞蹈是融体育、音乐、舞蹈为一体的新型体育课程,对全面培养大学生综合素质、增强 大学生生理、心理健康、发展个性、审美能力的提高具有重要作用。
The 21st century witnesses a knowledge economy society with high-speed development of high technology and increasing competition for manpower. The new situation puts forward an important task of promoting quality education in colleges and universities. One scheme helping this task is to launch sports dance course, a new physical education (P.E. ) course combining P. E. , music and dancing together, which is of vital significance to all-round education and enhancement of students' physical-psychological well-being,personality and aesthetic ability.
Hubei Sports Science