本文复习了160例(160眼)视网膜脱离手术失败的病例,其中有增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变(proliferative vitreoretinopathy,PVR)改变的62例(称PVR组),没有PVR改变的98例(称无PVR组),通过这些病例的各种临床特点的比较对照,探讨术后PVR发生的临床危险因素.结果表明,视网膜脱离伴发葡萄膜炎反应或有低眼压存在,术前后玻璃体出血,多次手术是术后发生严重PVR的非常危险因素.这些因素同时存在PVR发生率更高、文中还提出减少和预防PVR发生的方法.
160 failure cases (160 eyes) following retinal reattachment surgery were reviewed. 62 cases with proliferative vitieoretinopathy were divided into proliferative vitreoretinopathy(PVR) group, the other cases (98 cases) without PVR changes were divided into NO PVR group. The clinical characteristcs of two groups were compared In order to determine the risk factors in the development of server PVR after surgical repair of retinal detachment. The study shows that retinal detachment with uveitis and low tension, preoperative and post-operative vitreous hemorrhage, multiple operations were the highly significant risk factors. Once these factors existed simutalmosly, the incidence of PVR increased. The way how to prevente and decrease the occurance of PVR were suggested in the series.
Eye Science