The threshold of stereopsis was measured by static stereopter for 111 children with amblyopia aged from 4 to 13 years. They were divided into three groups; 38 cases ranging in age from 4 to 5 years, 43 cases 6 to 7 and 30 cases 8 to 13. Fifty six cases were unilateral and 55 bilateral amblyopia. The average threshold of stereopsis was 149. 64 second angle for the 4-5 group, 66. 69 for the 6-7 and 48. 48 for the 8-13. The average threshold for unilateral amblyopia was 65. 3, in which mild type was 38. 6 and under moderate type was 88. 84, whereas the average threshold for bilateral cases was 115. 81, in which mild type was 44. 09 and under moderate type was 175. 44. The distribution of stereopsis for different age groups, the threshold of stereopsis influenced by different types of amblyopia and the comparison of amblyopia between bilateral and unilateral are also discussed.
Eye Science