

Comparison of Aniseikonia Between the Group of Monocular Aphakla Corrected by Spectacles and the Group of Monocular Pseudophakia
摘要 用粟屋忍不等像检查图对单眼无晶体眼镜矫正和单眼人工晶体植入两组病人进行测定比较。前组不等像视平均为+21.85%±1.95%,后组为+1.15%±1.14%。两组有显著性差异(P<0.001),对单眼无晶体眼镜矫正的缺点及人工晶体植入的优点进行了讨论。 The aniseikonia in the group of monocular aphakia corrected by spectacles and thegroup of monocular pseudophakia was estimated by means of NATS.The mean aniseikoniawas +21.85%±1.95% in the former and +1.15±1.14% in the latter.There was statis-tical significant difference(t=40.59 P<0.001).The shortcomings of spectacles and advan-tages of IOL are discussed.
作者 余炜
出处 《眼科研究》 CSCD 1992年第4期266-268,共3页 Chinese Ophthalmic Research
关键词 单眼 人工晶体 植入术 屈光不正 monocular aphakia aniseikonia
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