研究了兔眼球内铅异物伤后的视网膜电图(ERG)和视网膜形态学变化。伤后2个月,ERG a 波降低75%,b 波降低66%;伤后3个月,视网膜各层细胞广泛出现肿胀、变性、甚至坏死。并对实验结果进行了分析和讨论。提出球内铅异物伤后,应在4周内手术取出异物。
In the present study the morphological and electrophysiological changes of the retinalinjuries of intraocular lead foreign body were observed in rabbit eyes.The considerabledecrease of a and b wave was observed after two months of implantation of lead intovitreous.A wave reduced to 25% and b wave disappeared.The change in structure ofretina was also observed by electronmicroscopy.The results show that the functional andstructural damage of the retina is induced directly by intraocular lead foreign body.
Chinese Ophthalmic Research