雄激素源性脱发是由雄性激素引起 ,为进行性的头发密度减少 ,其包括男性型脱发及女性弥漫性脱发 ,曾被强调与皮脂溢出有关。Hamilton和Kuster研究分别证实了雄激素源性脱发是一种雄性激素依赖的多基因遗传性脱发 ,为治疗男性脱发提供了依据。针对DHT的增高、受体的存在 ,应用 5α还原酶的抑制剂、毛发移植取得了一定的效果。通过本文的阐述 。
Androgentic Alopecia is a continuous decrement of hair density induced by androgenetic, including man alopecia and woman filling alopecia,which are considered to relate to sebaceous spill,Recently , it has also been proved by Hamilton and Kuster that Androgentic Alopecia is a multi-gene genetic alopecia relmed to androgentic,mainly due to the increment of DHT and related to the acceptor of androgentic.All of the above provides the ground for the curing of man alopecia applying Finasteride,Hain Tranaptantauon. This paper,elaboraates on what has been mentioned above and our cure results of man alopecia based on the above ideas can be also found there in
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