随着企业网、校园网以及宽带网的迅速发展 ,第三层交换机成为新的市场增长点 ,它的应用也从最初网络中心的骨干层、汇聚层一直渗透到网络边缘的接入层。介绍了第三层交换技术、第三层交换与路由器的比较。
With the fast development of enterprise network,campus network and broadband network,the third exchanger has become a new increment point of market,and the application has infiltrated from the first backbone layer and mixed layer in the network center to the insertion layer of the network edge.In this paper,the third exchange technique is presented,and the third layer exchange and router are compared,and the application and forecast of the third layer exchanger are also introduced.
Computer Development & Applications