目的 :针对广泛性心肌缺血和终末期心力衰竭治疗不佳的现状 ,尝试细胞心肌成形术的方法。方法 :培养犬心肌细胞系 ,将培养的供体心肌细胞移植入受体心脏 ,以改善心脏功能。观察了细胞系的生物学特性。将培养的心肌细胞采用胶体金标记后 ,移植到犬的心肌内 ,术后 6d、12d、36d取材观察 ,结果 :6d、12d标记的细胞仍存活 ,宿主对植入细胞无明显排斥反应 ,36d排斥死亡。结论 :心肌细胞移植受体心脏可能是治疗慢性心力衰竭的新途径。
Objective: Patients with diffuse ischemic disease or end stage heart failure may not be appropriate candidates for there procedures. Celluar cardiomyoplasty (CCM), a technique in which immature cells are transplanted into injured myocardium, has been proposed as a method to restore functional tissue in areas of chronic myocardial ischemia. Methods: Colloid gold method was used to label the cardiomyocytes in cultue. Cultured myocytes carrying colloid gold grains were transplanted into the myocardial tissue of dogs. At 6.12.36 days after transplantation, the animals were killed. Results: on day 12, immunorejection appeared in recipient animal heart, on day 36, no transplanted cells survived. Conclusions:Cellular cardiomyoplasty, a technique in which immature cells are transplanted into injured chronic myocardial ischemia.
Academic Journal of Pla Postgraduate Medical School
国家自然科学基金项目 ( 3 960 0 14 )