
初乳中主要组分的动态变化及产妇年龄和剖宫产的影响 被引量:6

The dynamic changes of main components content in human colostrum and the effects of caesarean birth and puerpera age on the components
摘要 测定了来自20位健康母亲(其中8位为剖宫产)的118份初乳(泌乳第1~7d)中乳糖和蛋白质浓度。通过线性模型,分析产妇年龄和剖宫产对乳糖和蛋白质含量的影响。结果表明,乳糖在泌乳第1d最低,在泌乳1w内增加,其中泌乳第1d的乳糖浓度极显著低于第7d(P<0.01)。乳蛋白的浓度在泌乳第1d最高,泌乳1w内下降,其中前3d水平显著或极显著高于第7d(P<0 05或P<0 01)。初乳中乳糖和乳蛋白含量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.523,P<0.01)。剖宫产母亲初乳中乳糖含量显著低于顺产(P<0 05),剖宫产与顺产母亲初乳中蛋白质含量差异不显著(P>0 05)。产妇年龄的大小与初乳中蛋白质和乳糖含量均无显著关系(P>0 05)。 The 118 samples of human colostrum were taken from 20 healthy women. The concentrations of lactose and protein in human colostrum were tested. The effects of caesarean birth and puerpera age on the contents of lactose and lactoproteins were analyzed by linear model. The results showed that the lactose concentration of human colostrum was lowest on the first lactation day postpartum,then increased during lactation 1~7d. The lactose concentration of human colostrum on the first lactation day postpartum was significantly lower than that on day 7 (P<0.01). The protein concentration of human colostrum was highest on the first lactation day postpartum,and decreased within a week. The protein concentration during lactation 1~3 d postpartum was significantly higher than that on day 7(P<0.05 or P<0.01),but mutated slightly during lactation 4~7d. There was significant negative correlation between lactose and protein content in human colostrum (r=-0.523,P<0.01).The lactose concentration of colostrum was significantly lower for caesarean birth vs.eutocia(P<0.05). However,no significant difference was observed in the protein concentration of human colostrum between caesarean birth and eutocia(P>0.05). Puerpera age was not significantly associated with the concentrations of lactose and protein in colostrum (P>0.05).
出处 《生物学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第1期28-30,共3页 Journal of Biology
基金 安徽省自然科学基金资助(03043802)
关键词 初乳 乳糖 蛋白质 剖宫产 产妇年龄 colostrum lactose protein caesarean birth puerpera age
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