通过对法国作家福楼拜与日本作家岛崎藤村的代表作品进行比较分析 ,认为两位作家在文学创作上具有明显的共性 :都体现了现实主义的批判性 ,并采用了自然主义的创作方法。但两人的文学创作也流露出差异性
Passing to representative works France writer Flaubert with Japanese writer Daoqitengcun to proceed comparison and analysis. Author think two writers to have on the literature produce obviously commonness: they all behave realism animadvert, and adopted the zolaism depiction skills. But the literature produce of two writers also show unintentionally the difference: main performance is on their different attitude towards romanticism.
Journal of Social Science of Jiamusi University