
Abundances of F, CI, S and P in Volcanic Magmas and Their Evolution, Wudalianchi 被引量:1

Abundances of F, CI, S and P in Volcanic Magmas and Their Evolution, Wudalianchi
摘要 F,Cl,S and P were determined,using electron microprobe,in magmatic inclusions trapped within minerals and glass mesostasis from Wudalianchi volcanic rocks.The initial volcanic magma from Wudalianchi corresponds to the basanitic magma crystallized near the surface(pressure<91Mpa).The potential H2O content of this magma is in the range2-4wt.%.The initial composition of volcanic magmas varies regularly from early to late volcanic events.From the Middle Pleistocene to the recent eruptions(1719-1721yr.),the basicity of volcanic magma tends to increase,as reflected by an increase in MgO and CaO contents and by a progressive decrease in SiO2 and K2O contents.Meanwhile ,from early(Q2) to late(Q3) episodic eruptions of the Middle Pleistocene,the initial concentrations of chlorine in volcanic magmas range from 1430-1930 ppm to 1700 ppm and decrease to 700-970ppm for the first episodic eruption during the Holcene(Q4^1).The chlorine concentrations of vokanic magmas of recent eruption(Q4^2) are increased again to 2600-2870 ppm.A parallel evolution trend for phosphorus and chlorine concentrations in magmas has been certified:1500-5970ppm(Q2)→3500-4210ppm(Q3)→1100-3500ppm(Q4^1)→6800-7900ppm(Q4^2).The fluorine contents of volcanic magmas,from early to late volcanic events ,show the same trend:770-2470ppm→200-700ppm→700-800ppm.During the crystallization-evolution of volcanic magmas,fluorine and phosphorus tend to be enriched in residual magmas as a result of crystal-melt differentiation,for example,the fluorine contents reach 5000-6800ppm and the phosphorus contents,2.93wt.% in residual magmas.An appreciable amount of chlorine may be lost from water rich volcanic magmas prior to eruption as a result of degassing.Apparently,water serves as a gas carrier for the chlorine.The chlorine contents of residual magmas may decrease to 100-300ppm.The volcanic magmas from Wudalianchi are poor in sulfur,normally ranging from 200 to 400ppm .On account of the behavior of sulfur in magmas and the strontium and oxygen isotopic analyses((^87Sr/^86Sr)i=0.70503-0.70589;δ^18O=+5.50-+6.89‰),it can be considered that the basanitic magmas in the Wudalianchi volcanic area came from the upper mantle and have not yet been contaminated probably by continental crust materials. F, Cl, S and P were determined, using electron microprobe, in magmatic inclusions trapped within minerals and glass mesostasis from Wudalianchi volcanic rocks. The initial volcanic magma from Wudalianchi corresponds to the basanitic magma crystallized near the surface (pressure<91 Mpa). The potential H_2O content of this magma is in the range 2-4 wt.%. The initial composition of volcanic magmas varies regularly from early to late volcanic events. From the Middle Pleistocene to the recent eruptions (1719-1721 yr.),the basicity of volcanic magma tends to increase, as reflected by an increase in MgO and CaO contents and by a progressive decrease in SiO_2 and K_2O contents. Meanwhile, from early (Q_2) to late(Q_3)episodic eruptions of the Middle Pleistocene, the initial concentrations of chlorine in volcanic magmas range from 1430-1930 ppm to 1700 ppm and decrease to 700-970 ppm for the first episodic eruption during the Holocene(Q_4~1). The chlorine concentrations of volcanic magmas of recent eruption (Q_4~2) are increased again to 2600-2870 ppm. A parallel evolution trend for phosphorus and chlorine concentrations in magmas has been ceretified:1500-5970 ppm(Q_2)→3500-4210 ppm(Q_3)→ 1100-3500ppm(Q_4~1)→6800-7900ppm(Q_4~2). The fluorine contents of volcanic magmas, from early to late volcanic events, show the same trend:770-2470 ppm→200-700 ppm→700 -800ppm. During the crystallization-evolution of volcanic magmas, fluorine and phosphorus tend to be enriched in residual magmas as a result of crystal-melt differentiation, for example, the fluorine contents reach 5000-6800 ppm and the phosphorus contents,2. 93wt. % in residual magmas. An appreciable amount of chlorine may be lost from water rich volcanic magmas prior to eruption as a result of degassing. Apparently, water serves as a gas carrier for me chlorine. The chlorine contents of residual magmas my decrease to 100-300 ppm. The volcanic magmas from Wudalianchi are poor in sulfur, normally ranging from 200 to 400ppm. On account of the behavior of sulfur in magmas and the strontium and oxygen isotopic analyses((^(87)Sr/^(86)Sr)i=0.70503-0.70589;δ^(18)O=+5. 50-+6. 89‰),it can be considered that the basanitic magmas in the Wudalianchi volcanic area came from the upper mantle and have not yet been contaminated probably by continental crust materials.
出处 《Chinese Journal Of Geochemistry》 EI CAS 1991年第2期120-130,共11页 中国地球化学学报
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