记述东欧平原黄土-古土壤剖面多重年代地层的划分结果,评估黄土地区更新世主要的古地理事件的对比,建立东欧平原黄土-古土壤发育时期的17个期—9个间冰期和8个冰期。间冰期内次一级单元是吸热凉温阶(endothermal coolings)(冷时段,cold spells),干热阶、湿热阶(thermoxerotic and thermohygrotic stages)和间冰期中次级气候韵律,以及冰期内的冰阶(stadials),间冰阶(interstadials),中间阶(interphasials),湿冷阶(cryohygrotic),干冷阶(cryoxerotic stages)和冰期中的次级气候韵律。其中吸热凉温阶占据了间冰期的大部分。 东欧平原黄土-古土壤形成时期的环境和植被演化由以下剖面的孢粉资料构成:上Oka(Likhvin-Chekalin section),上Don(Strelitsa section),中Kuma(Otkaznoe section),中Dniester(Molodova section,Ketrosy section)和中Desna(Arapovichi section)。 根据孢粉-气候地层研究获得的原始资料,本文重建了欧亚大陆北部60万年以来的古气候事件、古基岩沉积、冰川、冰缘、外冰缘带沉积,并进行了周期的确定和远距离对比。在综合年代地层柱上的古环境事件及其相应的带和年代地层的对比,是依据亚化石化的软体动物外壳的电子自旋共振分析结果。已知的间冰期集中在58万年,40万年,31万年,22万年及14.
The results of detailed chronostratigraphic subdivision of the loess-palaeosoil formation (LPF) of the East-European Plain are presented. A correlation of main palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental events of the loess areas in the Pleistocene has been assessed.It has been established that the period of the LPF development on the East-European Plain comprises 17 stages (9 interglacials and 8 glacials). The lower climate-stratigraphic units identified within the glacials and interglacials are endothermal coolings (cold phases), thermoxerotic and thermohygrotic substages of interglacial climatic rhythms; stadials, interstadials, cryohygrotic and cryoxerotic substages of glacial climatic rhythms. Endothermal coolings have been identified within a majority of interglacials.The evolution of the environment and vegetation during the epochs of loess and soil formations in the East-European loess province is characterised by pollen of the reference sections of the Upper Oka (Likhvin-Chekalin section), the Upper Don (Strelitsa section), the Middle Kuma (Otkaznoe section), the Middle Dniester (Molodova section, Ketrosy section) and the Middle Desna (Arapovichi section) regions of the East-European Plain.On the basis of the original results of complex palyno-chronostratigraphic investigation, reconstruction, temporal periodization and distant correlation of palaeoclimatic events and deposits of the palaeoshelf, glacial, periglacial and extraglacial zones of Northern Eurasia over the last 600 ka have been carried out. The correlation of identified palaeoenvironmental events and corresponding horizons in the composite chronostratigraphical column was based on the electron spin resonance (ESR) analysis of subfossil mollusc shell remains. The interglacial conditions revialed are centred at about 580 ka, 400 ka, 310 ka, 220 ka and between 145-70 ka. A broad correlation between long palynological sequence, directly ESR-dated warm-climate-related events and other palaeoenvironmental records described in the literature has been noted for eleven upper oxygen isotope stages (11 to 1).
Acta Palaeontologica Sinica