
γ-射线血管内照射治疗计划系统的研制 被引量:1

Research and development of gamma-ray intravascular brachytherapy treatment planning system
摘要 介绍了研究开发的三维血管内照射治疗计划系统 .该治疗计划系统建立在三维医学图像和临床上常用的γ射线源基础之上 ,集成了放射源剂量学数据管理、三维图像处理、治疗计划设计、剂量分布计算与显示、治疗计划评估和打印输出等功能模块 .为了验证治疗计划的有效性 ,文中给出了 2组实验数据 ,一组是与GammaMed治疗计划系统的对比结果 。 The treatment planning system is specially designed for gamma ray, one of the most popular clinical used sources, with powerful tools on three dimensional image processing, dosimetry data administrating, treatment plan programming, dose distributions computing, dose distributions displaying, treatment plan evaluating and printing. In order to test its validity in clinical conditions, two sets of test results are offered, one by comparing to GammaMed treatment planning system and the other by applying to a real curved arteries.
出处 《东南大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期586-589,共4页 Journal of Southeast University:Natural Science Edition
基金 中法先进研究计划资助项目 (PRA 98MA 0 1)
关键词 血管内照射 治疗计划系统 剂量分布计算 三维图像处理 冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病 γ-射线 研制 intravascular brachytherapy treatment planning system dose distributions computation three dimensional image processing
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