巴黎第七大学教授保尔·巴迪运用文化人类学方法研究老舍小说创作 ,探讨老舍独具的民族素质与其作品内蕴及社会生活的关系 ,对其小说创作的总体特点和若干经典作品提出了新的看法。本文对巴迪的研究方法和研究成果进行了述评。
Paul Bady, professor of Paris 7th University, has studied Lao She's fiction\|writing by following a methodology of cultural anthropology. He has explored the relationship between the national individuality unique in Lao She on one hand, and the cultural connotation of his works as reflection of social life on the other. Consequently, he builds up his new theory about the general characteristics of Lao She's fictions, especially of many a masterpiece among these fictions. This essay, apart from introducing Bady's findings, comments on his fresh approaches.
Social Sciences of Beijing