师资培训是教师教育的一种重要形式 ,也是教师教育终生化的重要途径之一。但在林林总总的教师培训中存在着一种“马太效应” ,即大多数培训都集中在名优教师、经济发达地区教师以及名校教师身上 ,忽视了弱势教师、贫困地区和薄弱学校教师的培训 ,这样导致了教师群体的两极分化———好的越好 ,差的越差。教师素质的两极分化在理论和实践层面上给教育带来了诸多问题。
In many kinds of teachers' trainings, there is an Matthew Effect that the famous and excellent teachers often get many chances to be trained, but the poor ones get fewer. This will lead to differentiation in the teachers. The differentiation of teachers’ quality will bring on many issues of education in field of theory and practice. We must strengthen training to the feeble colony of teachers.
Continuing Education Research