医院在突发公共卫生事件中的作用极为重要 ,主要表现在 :拯救生命、治疗伤病、防止疾病蔓延的急救治疗预防作用 ;及时准确上报信息和广泛信息沟通的作用 ;与政府卫生行政主管部门、疾控中心、其他医疗机构、公安、新闻、宣传和社会各界的协调作用 ;安定民心、稳定社会的作用等。医院要做好应对突发公共卫生事件的准备 ,以便突发事件发生时能充分发挥医院的作用。
The roles played by hospitals in the outbrea k of public health events are extremely important,such as saving lives,preventing the spread of certain diseases,emergency treatment and the prevention of disease s,reporting timely and exactly information to the higher authorities,linking up information widely,having a good coordination with the governmental health execu tive departments in charge,disease control centres,other medical units and s ocial circles concerned,setting people's mind at ease,stablizing the society and so on.Hospitals should make full preparation to cope with the outbreak of publi c health event and bring their roles into full play in the sudden events.
Modern Hospital Management