目的了解比较1992年和2002年低出生体重儿情况变化,探讨降低低出生体重儿百分率的措施。方法回顾性调查1992年和2002年两年度活产病例1 544例。比较分析低出生体重儿百分率、胎龄、体重、产母年龄。对统计数据进行u检验,t检验,x^2检验。结果 2002年低出生体重儿(LBW)百分率低于1992年,两组相对比42/15=2.80,差异显著(u=2.442,P<0.05)。1992年LBW平均胎龄35.70周,s=3.55;2002年平均胎龄33.08周s=3.97,差异显著(t=2.226,P<0.05)。1992年LBW平均体重2 061.91 g,s=348.13,2002年LBW平均体重1 996.67 g,s=412.09,两组间差异不显著(t=0.593,P>0.05)。1992年LBW产母平均年龄26.67岁,s=3.05,2002年LBW产母平均年龄25.00岁,s=3.54,两组比较差异显著(t=1.684,P<0.05)。小于胎龄儿(SGA)构成比1992年为21/42,2002年为5/15,x^2检验两组间差异不显著(x^2=1.238,P>0.05),不能认为2002年SGA构成比低于1992年。结论应用抑制宫缩药物治疗早产使LBW百分率下降。今后应注意加强产前教育,提高孕妇自我保健意识;重视妊娠图的应用,及时发现和治疗早产、胎儿发育迟缓。
Objective To inverstigate the changing trend of low birth weight and to explore measures of decreasing the rate of low birth weight.Methods A total of 1544 cases were analyzed and computed the rate of low birth weight and compared their weight,conceptus age, and maternal age.The date were managed by significance test,u-test,t-test and chi-square test.Results The rate of Low birth weight was 4.62% in1992,but in 2002 it was 2.37%,the former was signicanfly lower than the latter (u=2.442,P<0.05).Mean conceptus age of low birth weight in 1992 was 35.70 (s=3.55) week,in 2002 it was 33.08 week (s=3.97) there was significant difference between two-year-groups.Mean weight of low birth weight in 1992 was 2061.91 g (s=348.13 g),it was 1996.67 g (s=412.09 g) in 2002,there was no significance between them (t=0.593,P>0.05).Mean maternal age was 26.67 (s=3.05) in1992,in 2002 it was 25.00 (s=3.54),their difference was significance (t=1.684,P<0.05).In 1992 proportion of small for gestation age infant was 21/42,in 2002 it was 5/15,there was no significance (X^2=1.238,P<0.05).Conclusion It was suggested that premature labor were prenvented beforehand by treated with Magnesium sulfate (MgSo4) after 1995.We should strengthen maternal health care and education,pay attention to using intrautering growth curve graph and work hard to detect,treat premature labor and intrauterine in time.
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