台湾的原住民运动兴起于上世纪 80年代初期。在族群化、民粹化的政治背景下 ,台湾的原住民运动从其产生之初起就混杂着民粹的因素。原住民运动在中前期发展阶段 ,在民粹手段和社会动员等方面与台湾的政治反对派互相借重 ,并形成策略互动。而台湾原住民的“正名”诉求则是由国民党籍的原住民“民意代表”和原住民运动相互配合得以实现的 ,台湾的原住民政策也由此发生了明显的改变。在“正名”实现后 ,台湾的原住民运动开始分裂并趋于衰微 。
The ”indigenous people's movement ” of Taiwan rose in the beginning of 1980s. From the very beginning, the movement wa s mixed with the elements of populism in the political background of ethnic grou p and populism. In its early and middle stages, themovement utilized pop ulist measures and had a tactical interaction with the political opposition of T aiwan in social mobilization. The claim to their ”original ethnic name”w as realized in the cooperation between the KMT's representatives of indigenous p eople and the indigenous people's movement. And this resulted in the change of t he policies for the indigenous peoplein Taiwan. After that, the movement began to separate and tended to fall into decline, but with a stronger populist tendency.
Ethno-National Studies