本文从敦煌文献中的mdogams这一地理名词着手 ,认为该词后因语音的演变等因素 ,演变成元代的mdokhams(朵甘思 )。明代初期 ,藏族又出现多康三岗 (mdokhamssganggsum)等地理概念 ,朵甘思仅为其三岗之一 ,因此朵甘思和多康是两个地理概念。但因后期藏文文献中多康与朵甘思选用同一个词mdokhams来表达 ,从而在一定程度上误导了近现代的研究者 ,在mdokhams一词单独出现时 ,稍有不察 ,便容易产生歧义 。
As a Tibetan term expressing a plac en ame in Dunhuang, ”mdo gams” became gradually ”mdo khams”(duo gan si in Han lan guage) in the Yuan Dynasty due to evolution of Tibetan language. In the early Mi ng Dynasty, a new phrase, ”mdo khams sgang gsum” (duo kang san gang in Han la nguage), appeared in Tibetan language. It means ”three places called mdo khams ( duo kang),” and ”mdo khams” (Duo gan si) is just one of the three places. So, ”Duo kang”(”mdo khams” in phrase ”mdo khams sgang gsum”) and ”Duo gan si”(”M do khams”, as ”Mdo gams” in Tibetan literature in Dunhuang) refer to diferent pl aces. Since ”Duo kang” and ”Duo gan si” were both expressed by the same t erm ”mdo khams” in the late Tibetan literature, some modern scholars often neglect t he difference between them, especially when the term appears without clear conte xt. Some even argue that ”mdo khams” is just one term both with broad and narr ow senses.
Ethno-National Studies