我国杰出的民间音乐家阿炳一生坎坷 ,虽遭生活磨难和种种打击 ,受尽辛酸凌辱 ,但他性格倔强 ,人残志坚 ,视音乐为生命 ,广采博收民间音乐 ,创作了许多具有浓郁民族风格和永久艺术魅力的乐曲。《二泉映月》是阿炳创作的最具代表性的作品之一 ,以其委婉流畅的曲调 ,无限深邃的情感 ,深深打动了千百万听众 ,成为世界乐坛的名曲 ,堪称我国民族音乐文化宝库的一颗璀璨明珠。
A bing, an outstanding folk musician, had a life full of frustrations. Though he suffered various hardships and humiliation, he showed great strength of character. Handicapped as he was, he was strong-willed and regarded music as his life. He created many musical compositions with a rich national flavor and everlasting artistic charm. One of his masterpieces, 'Two Springs Reflecting the Moon', with its mild and smooth melody as well as its profound emotions, deeply touches the heart of hundreds of thousands of audiences. It has become one of the most famous compositions in the international musical world, as well as a dazzling pearl in our national treasure-house of musical culture.
Journal of Nantong Teachers College(Social Science Edition)
A bing
folk musician
Two Moons Reflecting the Moon