AIM:To investigate the methods for automatically detecting and evaluating the motor behavior in rats. METHODS:Motor behavior of rats was recorded by computer automatic technique.Data recorded were gone through statistical analysis to find the index that was representative and with high repetition to evaluate the motor behavioral characteristics. RESULTS:The motor value(M) obtained from the weighted sum of different speed rate percentage in experimental animals could reflect the integral motor behavioral conditions.The activities of rat in a special period of time could be classified into 4 types on the basis of motor speed rate.There was a preferable repetition of the percentage value of the first 25 minutes of 4 motor types after animals being put into a strange environment. CONCLUSION:M and the percentage vale of first 25 minutes of 4 motor types can be used as an important index in measuring motor characteristic in rats in the automatic detective system for motor behaviors in experimental animals developed by Military Surgery Institute of Daping Hospital.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation