俄译汉经历着由俄语的表层句法结构到深层句法结构 ,再从俄语深层句法结构到语义表象 ,然后转换到汉语的深层句法结构 ,进而转换到汉语的表层句法结构的心理过程。在这一复杂的心理过程中 ,常常会因某种心理上的障碍致使译者对原文句子的理解和汉语译述上产生失误。据笔者初步研究 ,翻译者产生的心理障碍有成见效应、“孤岛”效应、必要过程的忽略、盲目顺从心理等。克服这些心理障碍的有效途径是在翻译过程中有意地对俄、汉句子进行语义的和语法的分析和推敲。
The translation from Russian into Chinese is a rather complicated process which covers the perception of the surface structure of a Russian sentence, the conversion from the surface structure into the deep structure, and the transformation into the deep structure of a Chinese sentence, and further, the conversion from the deep structure into the surface structure of the Chinese sentence. In this complicated process, various mental handicaps may occur on the part of the translator, which often cause errors in the translation. From our experience in the research, the handicaps are as follows: halo effect,'isolated island' effect, neglect of the necessary course and the mentality of blind submission. The way to overcome the handicaps in translating Russian into Chinese lies in the intentional and deliberate grammatical and semantic analysis of both the Russian and Chinese sentences.
Journal of Xi'an Foreign Languages University