本文搜集 1 998年到 2 0 0 0年台湾地区 47家商业银行的横断面与时间序列混合资料 ,进行银行的效率评估。利用随机边界函数分析法 (SFC)与数据包络分析法 (DEA)两种不同估计法并比较其实证结果。实证结果发现 :在SFC与DEA两种不同估计法之下 ,并购对于银行成本效率皆有不显著的正向关系。
Based on the panel data of 47 commercial banks in Taiwan from 1998 to 2000, this paper estimates the efficiency of merged commercial banks and demonstrates the empirical analysis with Stochastic Frontier Cost Function (SFC) and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). The empirical findings revealed that there is no significant cost effciency of bank mergers.
Industrial Economics Research