莫理循于 1 897— 1 91 2年担任英国伦敦《泰晤士报》驻北京记者。他对于远东、特别是中国准确、及时的报道 ,为《泰晤士报》赢得了声誉 ,他也因此声名大振 ,被认为是中国问题的权威 ,并被称为“北京的莫理循”。准确的新闻报道需要精确的情报来源。本文从莫理循在北京的社交入手 ,探讨其获得新闻线索与内容的途径 ,认为注重与中外各阶层人士的交往以及在王府井大街建立图书馆 ,是莫理循获取情报的重要手段之一 ,也反映了他有别于同时代其他来华记者突出的个性特征。
Dr. Morrison was the Beijing correspondent of the Times from 1897 to 1912. His reports about the influence of Great Powers in China won honor for the Times and himself, and he was well known as “Morrison of Peking”. The paper emphasizes the action of social intercourse and Morrison's library on the reports and states that it was also his characteristic outstanding in the foreign correspondents in China.
Social Sciences of Beijing