为探查和研究与公众生命健康关系密切的水源水有机污染现状 ,运用 GC/ MS等多种有机分析技术对河南省主要城市的 2 3个水源水中的有机物进行分析研究。结果表明 ,共检出 740种有机物 ,初步筛选出 2 61种有毒污染物 ;多环芳烃类和酞酸酯的污染非常突出 ;各点位检出物浓度较低 ,VOC主要检出物为苯系物 ,浓度范围为 0 .0 1~ 2 .0μg/ L。 SVOC浓度均小于 1 .0μg/ L,60 .5% SVOC的浓度均小于 0 .1 μg/ L。绝大部分化合物远低于国标 ;但检出种类多 ,2 0个地表水检出物均超过 1 0 0余种。各点均受到不同程度的有机污染 ,而地下水污染相对较轻。
This paper aims to present the results of its investigation and analysis of the drinking water sources in Henan Province for the polluted nature and characteristic features of the organic toxicant traces. The results of our study by means of multi-analysis techniques indicate that there exist 23 kinds of toxicant pollutants in the water sources, including GC/MS, HPLC, GC/ECD. The sample collection period has been chosen three times in spring, summer and winter. Among the 740 kinds of organic compounds found in the research samples, 261 kinds belong to main toxic and detrimental pollutants according the toxicity documents. PAHs and phathlates are the commonest pollutants, whose pollution situations are very serious. Many of them have been characterized as carcinogens, mutagens and teratogens. The concentration levels of most toxic compounds are far lower than the new national drinking water source standards. While the concentration of VOCs is 0.01~2.0 μg/L and that of all SVOCs - less than 1.0 μg/L, 60.5% of the pollutants are less than 0.1 μg/L. But no less than 100 compounds have been detected in every point of the 20 surface drinking water spots. However, the underground water drinking sources are relatively slightly contaminated.
Journal of Safety and Environment
20 0 1年度河南省科技重点攻关项目 (编号 :0 1 2 30 32 50 0 )
monitoring and evaluation of environmental quality
Henan province
drinking source
organic pollution