在人类跨入21 世纪的今天, 实施可持续发展战略对于社会、经济、生态环境等各个领域进一步发展至关重要, 而关注生态环境是实施可持续发展战略的重要内容, 生态环境建设离不开环境教育。笔者论述了我国高等学校开展环境教育的内容、必要性、现状及存在的问题,并提出了开展环境教育的途径。
Today, when the human enter 21 century,it is important to actualize stratagem of continuable development on society , economy , entironment.The attention of entironment is the important content on continuable development.This paper discuss the content , need , actuality and problem of environmental education in our colleges,and put forward the approach of environmental education.
Journal of Hexi University