目的 研究超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)对离体肢体血管平滑肌超微结构的保护作用。方法 大鼠后肢断离后,用含SOD的生理盐水灌注,4℃保存。观察股动脉血管平滑肌超微结构的变化,与相同温度下保存的生理盐水灌注组进行比较。结果 与对照相比较,断肢经SOD灌注后,股动脉血管平滑肌超微结构变化明显延缓。结论 SOD灌注对股动脉血管平滑肌的超微结构有保护作用。
Purpose: To investigate the influence of superoxide dismutase (SOD) on the ultrastructure of vascular smooth muscles of severed rat limbs. Methods: Rat severed limbs were perfused via femoral artery with SOD or, as the control, with 0.9% saline, and then preserved at 4 °C. Ultrathin sections of the femoral artery were prepared and observed under a transmission electron microscope. Results: The ultrastructure alteration in vascular smooth muscle cells of control severed limb was more severe and developed faster than that of the SOD-perfused limb. In the control limb, mitochondria swelling and nucleus chromatin margination appear at 2 hr after the amputation. Mitochondria cristae shortened, reduced and eventually whole mitochondria became vacuoles, and nucleus chromatin condensed obviously along the inner membrane of nucleus at 8 hr. However, in the SOD-perfused limb, it was at 8 hr after the amputation that the mitochondria swelling just began and nucleus chromatin margination occurred near the inner membrane of nucleus. Conclusions: SOD-perfusion is an effective approach to postponing the ultrastructure alteration in artery smooth muscle cells of amputated limbs.
Fudan University Journal of Medical Sciences