通过中外劳动力流动模式的比较、分析 ,提出了剩余劳动力转移在理论上、制度上、措施上的新建议。如 ,现阶段不仅不能以缩小或消灭城乡差别为经济发展的目标之一 ,而且还应当继续适当扩大城乡差别 ;改革现有的农村家庭承包责任制 ,实行一定规模的土地拍包 。
s: Comparing and analyzing the Hesperian mode of surplus labour force transfer,the author establishes a mode of surplus labour force transfer conformity to china practice ,raises a new theory of difference in rural-urban income, that is, at present, we couldn't reduce or disappear the difference in rural-urban income,furthermore we must keep on moderate enlarge.
Journal of Kashgar Teachers College