在电力拖动控制系统中 ,接通或分断感性负载 (比如电机、交流接触器线圈等 )是一种常见的控制动作。在感性负载的通断过程中 ,其触点都会产生较大的电弧。这种电弧放电产生一种很强的电磁干扰 ,这给单片机的工作带来非常严重的影响。在双功率节能电机控制系统的研制过程中遇到了这种强干扰 ,通过反复的研究和实验 ,摸索了一些规律 ,积累了一些经验 ,在此交流 ,旨在为单片机控制系统的可靠性设计提供一点借鉴。
Some treasures that are used to resist the interference that is caused by switching off/on the high-inductive load is given.This is the result of experiments with the double-power saving energy motor controlling system in the factory and application of the double-power saving energy motor controller in the oil field for a period of time.The aim is to give some advice on the reliability designing of the single chip processor controlling system.
Electric Drive Automation