超临界CO2 萃取技术是近年来兴起的一种高新物质分离精制技术 ,但其本身还存在着一些问题 ,如操作压力大、萃取时间长、对设备的要求较高、能耗相对也较大、提取能力小、萃取率有待进一步提高 ,从而限制了其应用领域的进一步拓展和大范围工业化生产的转化。采用夹带剂对超临界萃取过程进行强化 ,可有效提高萃取得率 ,降低操作压力等 ,因而成为人们研究的一个新方向 ,也将对超临界流体萃取技术产生重要的影响。本文就夹带剂对超临界CO2 萃取过程的影响及应用进行了论述 ,并提出了所存在的问题和研究方向。
Supercritical CO 2 extraction is a new subject of separation techniques and develops rapidly in recent years because of its advantages over conventional extraction methods. However, there are still some problems unsolved with it, such as high operation pressure, long extraction time, relatively low extraction yield etc., so that it could not be used widely on industrial scale. Since modifier can enhance supercritical CO 2 extraction process and be used to solve the problems mentioned above, it becomes a new orientation of research on supercritical CO 2 extraction. This paper presented the enhancing of modifier on supercritical CO 2 extraction process and its application, and the exiting problems and research orientation are also pointed out.
Flavour Fragrance Cosmetics
江苏省委自然科学基金 ( 99KJD5 3 0 0 0 3 )