【目的】探讨成分输血在产科急性弥漫性血管内凝血 (DIC)抢救过程中的作用。【方法】将 34例产科急性DIC按成分输血情况分成A、B两组 :A组输新鲜全血补充血容量 ;B组接受成分输血补充血容量及凝血因子。【结果】A组平均出血 4 80 0ml,B组平均出血量 115 0ml;A组 2例因多器官功能衰竭死亡 ,抢救成功率 6 0 % (3/5 ) ,B组抢救成功率 96 .5 (2 8/2 9) ;A组平均住院日 2 2 .6d ,B组平均住院日 11.2d。两组平均出血量 ,抢救成功率及平均住院日比较差异均具有显著性 (P <0 .0 5 )。【结论】成分输血对产科急性DIC的治疗效果显著优于输新鲜全血。
To study the efficacy of blood component transfusion in the first-aid salvage of acute obstetric diffuse intravascular coagulation (DIC).Thirty-four cases of acute Obstetric DIC were divided into A and B groups according to the conditions of blood component transfusion:① Group A(n=5) , fresh whole blood was transfused to supplement the blood volume ; ② Group B(n=29), the blood volume and coagulation factors were supplemented by blood component transfusion.The average volume of hemorrhage was 4800 ml in Group A and 1150 ml in Group B (P<0.01). Two out of 5 cases in Group A died of multiple organ failure, with a successful rescue rate of 60% (3/5); while that in Group B reached to 96.5% (28/29). The average duration of hospitalization in Group A and B were 22.6 d and 11.2 d respectively (P<0.01). The successful rescue rate and average days in hospitalization between both groups differed significantly (P<0.05).[Conclusion]The therapeutic efficacy of blood component salvage is distinctly more effective than that of fresh whole blood in the salvage of acute obstetric DIC.
Journal of Clinical Research