目的 探讨影响辅助生殖技术(ART)手术成功率的临床因素。方法 回顾分析1994年到2002年2014个ART手术中,患者的年龄、病因、手术方式和获卵数对辅助生殖技术成功率的影响。结果 ①女性年龄是影响试管婴儿妊娠率的独立因素,随着年龄的增长,不仅获卵数和可移植的胚胎数下降,而且胚胎质量降低,导致妊娠率降低和流产率升高;②男性因素不孕和附睾或睾丸穿刺取精行卵母细胞内单精子注射手术的妊娠率较高,而原因不明不孕症的妊娠率较低,但都可能与年龄的影响有关;③获卵数超过30个,虽然患者年轻,妊娠率反而下降,其原因不明。结论 女性年龄是影响ART手术成功率的重要因素,在比较分析其它因素时都必须首先排除年龄的影响。
Objective To study the clinical factors influencing in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer outcome. Methods 2 014 cycles of assisted reproductive technology (ART) from March 1994 to December 2002 were analyzed retrospectively. Results Female age was a prominent factor that affected pregnancy rate in IVF programs. The number of retrieved oocytes and suitable embryos for transfer was lower in older patients and the quality of these embryos was also decreased, leading to the significantly lower implantation rates and higher incidence of abortions. It was also found that there was a higher pregnancy rate in the patients with male factor and PESA operation and a lower pregnancy rate in the patients with unexplained factors but age bias was not excluded. Conclusion Female age is a prominent factor that affects pregnancy rate in IVF programs.
Acta Medicinae Universitatis Scientiae et Technologiae Huazhong