目的 探讨苯酚甘油中苯酚含量测定方法。方法 采用紫外分光光度法,测定波长为270±1nm。结果苯酚浓度在4.025-48.300μg/ml范围内与吸光度呈良好线性关系,平均回收率为100.1%。结论 利用紫外分光光度法测定,方便,快捷,准确,重现性好,可推荐作医院制剂分析使用。
Objective To probe the method for determination of phenol in glycerol-phenol.Methods Ultravoilet spectrometry was used and the detective wavelength was 273±1nm. Results The consistency of phenol in 4.025-48.300μg/ml had a good linear relevance to spectrophotometry. The average recovery rate was 100.1%. Conclusion The method is simple, accurate and reproducible; it can be popularized for agent-analysis in hospitals.
Practical Journal of Medicine & Pharmacy