提出了一种蓄冷和热水器复合空调器装置。蓄冰槽可以与分体空调器直接连接 ,利用低谷电蓄冷 ,供冷时利用蓄冷槽提高机组运行的过冷度 ,改善机组的运行效果。放冷结束后 ,蓄冰槽可转换成水冷冷凝器 ,回收冷凝热量 ,提供生活热水。通过对普通空调器改造的样机进行实验研究 ,复合机组夏季各项功能均成功实现 ,同原来空调器相比 ,复合机组制冷量平均增加2 8.2 % ,性能系数平均增加 2 1 .5 %。
In the split air conditioner storage tank is direct connected with the air conditioner,and charging during off-peak electrical demand period,and in the daytime storage coils are used as super cooling exchanger to supercool the refrigerant from the condenser,improving the coefficient of performance (COP) of the air conditioner. This unit can also supply hot water by absorbing heat reject in the condenser. The prototype experiment in operation proves that the equipment is working well. Compared with the original air conditioner,the average cooling capacity increases by 28.2%,and COP increases by 21.5%.
Heating Ventilating & Air Conditioning