
老年女性心肌梗塞的临床特点 被引量:1

Clinical Features of Myocardial Infarction in Aged Female Patients
摘要 目的 :通过了解深圳地区女性急性心肌梗塞 (AMI)的临床特点和预后 ,为进一步防治AMI提供更多依据。方法 :对 385例急性透壁性心肌梗塞患者 ,进行男女分组分析 ,按患者年龄分为 4组 (<45岁 ,45~54岁 ,55~ 64岁 ,≥65岁 )比较发病率、病史、梗塞部位、并发症、死亡原因及死亡率。结果 :4组男女患者比例分别为 6 75∶1 ,6 4∶1 ,3 8∶1 ,1 74∶1。女性较男性平均起病年龄晚 3年 ,绝经后女性心源性休克及心衰并发症多 ,死亡率高 ,合并糖尿病多。结论 :绝经后女性雌激素水平变化下降对老年女性 (AMI) Objective:To evaluate the clinical fe atures and prognosis of acute myocardial infarction(AMI) in aged female patient s residing in Shenzhen area and provide more basis for prevention and treatment of AMI.Methods:385 patients(270 male,88 female) were divided into 4 groups:I group aged less than 45 years,Ⅱ group from 45 to 54 years,Ⅲ group from 55 to 64 years,Ⅳ group more than 65 years.Their morbility,medical history, position of infarction,complications,cause of death and mortality were analyzed. Results:The ratio of female to male patients in the 4 groups was 6.75∶1,6.4∶1,3.8∶1,1.74∶1,respectively.The age of onset in female patients w ere 3 years older than that of male patients.More postmenopause female patients complicated with heart failure and diabetes,their motality were higher than that of male patients.Conclusion:The level of estrogen decreased postm enopause may play an important role in clinical features of AMI in female patie nts.
出处 《内蒙古医学杂志》 2004年第2期89-91,共3页 Inner Mongolia Medical Journal
关键词 女性 急性心肌梗塞 绝经后 并发症 Female Acute myocardial infarction (AMI) Postmenopause Complication
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