利用BIOSTAT CL1 5L全自动发酵罐和 2 0t不锈钢发酵罐 ,对苏云金芽孢杆菌不同菌株 (GC 91 ,MP342 ,HD 1 )发酵上清液中增效物质的生成进行了研究 ,发现增效物质于对数生长期前期开始产生并积累 ,至对数生长期末期达到高峰 ,并保持稳定 ;不同菌株的发酵上清中增效物质生成量不同 ,其中GC 91最强 (增效倍数f=6 0 ) ,MP342次之 (f=3 7) ,HD 1最弱 (f=1 5 ) ;GC 91菌株上清液中增效物质生成曲线与晶体含量 ,效价代谢曲线相似 ,说明三者之间有显著的正相关。溶氧对GC 91上清增效物质生成有明显影响 ,供氧充足 ,增效物质合成量较高 (f=6) ,供氧不足合成量较低 (f=4)。
The growth curves of synergier in the supernatant from strains of Bacillus thuringiensis GC-91.MP-342 and HD-1 were studied .The results showed that the production and accumulation of synergier began in the beginning of the logarithmic growth phase, and reached the top in the end of the logarithmic growth phase,and kept stable during the stable phase.Synergier in the supernatant from different Bacillus thuringiensis strains grew differently, strain GC-91 ( whose synergistic fold was 6) grew better than strain MP-342 ( whose synergistic fold was 3.4) , strain HD-1 grew badly ( whose synergistic fold was only 1.8); There was much similarity among the synergistic growth curve, crystal growth curve and bioaasay potency curve ,which indicated that the relations among synergier , crystal and bioaasay potency was remarkably positive correlation.Dissolved oxygen had some degree influence on the synergier growth ,abundant provision oxygen was contributed to the synergistic growth .
Microbiology China