
位置透明的MA可靠消息传递机制 被引量:1

MA's Allocation Transparency and Reliable Message Passing Mechanism
摘要 移动Agent系统中的通信机制多由RMI加上消息发送机制实现,在现有的三种主流消息发送机制上进行改进,提出了新的消息转发策略———资源分散模型(ResourceDistributedModel)。RDM提供了一种类似于结合了Homeagent和按路径转发方式的寻址策略,达到消息可达的目的,基于RDM的移动服务(MobileService)是一种在快速寻址后将消息快速转发的方式,MS减少了消息缓存部件的消息缓存量,并可用多个MS同时寻址从而提高消息发送速度。 The communication inter and intra MA in most of the mobile agent systems are implemented by message passing plus RMI technology. In this paper we improve the message passing mechanism on the basis of three existed message passing methods. We propose a new architecture of the MA system named Resource Distributed Model, RDM can make messages achievable through a new MA allocation method. The Mobile Service of the RDM is a new message passing method, in which messages are sent directly to the next node without storage. It can get a faster message passing result through reducing the storing number of the messages.
作者 杨娟 李建国
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第3期25-26,30,共3页 journal of Computer Applications
关键词 移动AGENT 消息传递机制 资源分散模型 移动服务 mobile agent message passing mechanism resource distributed model mobile service
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