

A New Product Channel in the Energy Transfer of CO(a,ν ′)+NO(X)
摘要 在相对碰撞平动能为 0 .0 5eV的分子束实验条件下 ,研究了亚稳态CO(a) +NO(X)的E E传能通道 .通过测量和分析交碰区的传能发射光谱 ,在 780和 860nm处观测到了NO(b -a)跃迁Ogawa带的△v =+ 4和△v =+ 3序的发射光谱 .从而首次在实验上直接证实了传能过程中第四通道的存在 (CO (a) +NO(X)→CO (X) +NO(b) ) .这一通道的发现解释了前人测量到的在CO(a)与NO(X)碰撞传能过程中CO(a)的猝灭速率远大于NO(A ,B)生成速率的实验结果 ,并进一步证实了这一“经典”E Under single-collision conditions, a beam of meta st able molecules CO(a,ν′) generated by DC discharge was allowed to collide with a beam of NO(X) at a fixed angle of 90 o. The collision-induced emission from the interaction region was collected at right angles to the beam plane by a lens set and dispersed by a 1 m monochromator where a cooled photomultiplier tube wa s mounted on the exit slit. The signal from the PMT was transmitted via a discri minator, a photon counter and a boxcar integrator into a computer for storing an d processing. Two broadband emissions were observed around the wavelengths of 7 80 and 860 nm, which can be assigned to NO(b-a) Ogawa bands △v=+4 and+3 se quences, respectively, and referred to the spectroscopic data given by Huber. At the collision energy of 0.05 eV in the present experimental conditions, the ele ctronic energy of CO(a,ν′=0)( 6.01 eV ) was not enough to excite NO(X) to NO (b,ν′=4,5)(△E>6.11 eV). So, what was in act in the energy transfer was th e vibrational excitation of CO(a,ν′>0), and the higher the vibrational excitat ion of CO(a,ν′) was, the stronger the emission intensity of NO(b-a) could be obtained. It is thought that electron exchange between CO(a) and NO(X) may be op erative through the formation of a complex OCNO. The newly discovered formation of NO(b) channel could be well explained considering the energy conservation, sp in conservation and electron exchange mechanism.
出处 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第1期10-14,共5页 化学物理学报(英文)
基金 ProjectsupportedbytheNationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina(29973 0 46)
关键词 分子间传能 传能通道 单次碰撞 Single collision, Energy transfer, Electron exchan ge mechanism
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