第一人称叙事者的边缘化是第一人称叙事的一种特殊情况。它是第一人称 ,同时又具有第三人称的某些特点 ,能够讲述按照逻辑与常识第一人称叙事者所不知道的事情。第一人称叙事者的边缘化是叙事的两个基本原则———现实生活与叙事的内在自足性相互妥协的结果。它有三种基本类型 :第一人称叙事者人物角色的淡化。
The marginalizing of the first person narrator is special in the first person narrative. It is the first person but it has some characteristics of the third person, and can narrate the things which the first person narrator does not know according to the logic and the sense. The marginalizing of the first person narrator comes from the compromise of the two basic principls: real life and narrative's self-containment. It has three types: the fading-out of the first person's character role; the void of the first person's status; and the first person's temporary withdrawal from the story.
Journal of Hunan University of Arts and Science:Social Science Edition