The 150 kV bouncer modulator is designed to drive the 10 MW multi-beam klystron for the DESYTESLA Test Facility. The modulator is different from the 10 kV modulators previously built at Fermilab. First, thenew 150 kV bouncer modulator has no transformer, so the modulator circuit is simplified and the output waveform isimproved well. Second, the bouncer circuit has been changed to fit the output need, which is the most significantchallenge. This paper gives the design of the 150 kV long pulse bouncer modulator.
The 150 kV bouncer modulator is designed to drive the 10 MW multi-beam klystron for the DESY TESLA Test Facility. The modulator is different from the 10 kV modulators previously built at Fermilab. First, the new 150 kV bouncer modulator has no transformer, so the modulator circuit is simplified and the output waveform is improved well. Second, the bouncer circuit has been changed to fit the output need, which is the most significant challenge. This paper gives the design of the 150 kV long pulse bouncer modulator.
Bouncer modulator, Klystron, Crowbar circuit, Snubber circuit