目的 评价不同方案的联合化疗对原发灶不明转移癌病人的肿瘤反应率及生存时间的影响。方法 共检索出符合入选标准的随机对照临床试验3项,采用固定效应模型和随机效应模型对203例患者的生存率进行Meta分析。结果 以阿霉素为主的联合化疗组和其他组相比,并不能显著提高原发灶不明转移癌病人的反应率和生存时间。结论 现有的临床随机试验不足以证明联合化疗能显著提高原发灶不明转移癌患者的肿瘤反应率和生存时间,需要进一步进行有关药物及化疗方案的随机临床试验,以寻找有效的治疗方案。
Objective To evaluate the response rates and survival time of patients with tumors of unknown ori-
gin who received various kinds of combined chemotherapy. Method There were 3 qualified randomized controlled trials
(RCTs) retrieved. Meta-analyses were carried out on the response tates and survival time of 239 patients who were
enrolled into these 3 trials by using solid effect model and random effect model. Results Comparing with other combined
chemotherapies, the regimen based on adriamycin can not dramatically increase the response rates and survival time of
patients with tumors of unknown origin. Conclusion The available clinical evidences were not enough to prove that the
combined chemotherapy can greatly increase the survival time of patients with metastases of unknown origin. More RCTs
on new chemotherapeutical agents and regimens should be carried out so as to find out the most effective chemotherapy.
Chinse Journal Of Bone Tumor And Bone Disease