赵翼的《廿二史札记》对新、旧《五代史》的研究大体包括“史法”和“史事”两部分 ,“史法”部分主要考察新、旧《五代史》的史料来源、体例、书法 ,评论其优劣得失 ,揭示其文献价值。“史事”部分主要是排比分散的材料 ,进行归纳和比较研究 ,从中抽象出重要历史事件和重大问题 ,探讨其政治得失以及当时社会风气的变迁 ,揭示其史学价值。
Zhao Yi's The Reading Notes on the Twenty-two Histories makes a systematic study of the New and Old Books of the History of the Five Dynasties. In the first part, the book discusses their source of the historical data, writing technique and form, demonstrating therefore their value in the Historical Literature. In the second part, the book sums up the chief events from the scattered data of the New and Old Books of the History of the Five Dynasties and studies the political success and failure in the Five Dynasties and the change of the popular morale, which brings to light their value in the historical studies.
Journal of Anhui University(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
Zhao Yi
The Reading Notes on the Twenty-two Histories
the New Book of the History of the Five Dynasties
the Old Book of the History of the Five Dynasties
the value in the historical literature
the value in the historical studies