本文介绍了在高等学校教学管理中利用 Excel2 0 0 0提供的数据分析功能来统计学生考勤情况 ,利用其数据引用及函数功能进行课程考试成绩的计算、制表和等级评定等工作以及进行考试质量分析的方法。考试质量分析主要包括考试成绩中各分数段人数、最高分、最低分、平均分、及格率、标准差等参数的计算。
This paper introduces ways to process the students checking on work attendance by means of Excel 2000s data analysis in teaching management of colleges and universities, ways to process the test grade by means of Excel 2000s data quote and function, ways to process the examination quality analysis, such as the number of students in each score region, the maximum and minimum, the average, the rate of pass, the standard deviation, etc.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education