以聚氯乙烯增塑糊为成型基质 ,分别选用 2种自制的热固性树脂作增粘剂 ,加入填料和不同的改性剂 ,研制出 2种可用于纸质滤芯与金属端盖粘接的单组分热固型胶粘剂 ,样品 1# 和 2 # 。该胶固化后经汽油甲醇混合液 (质量比 85 / 15 )室温浸泡 72h不脱胶 ,不收缩。适用于汽油滤清器的纸质滤芯粘接生产工艺。其中样品 1# 黏度低 ,属快速固化型 (16 0℃× 10min) ,适合于自动化程度较高的流水线。样品 2 # 黏度高 ,固化速度较慢 (180℃×2 0min) ,用于手工涂胶。
Using PVC plastipaste as forming matrix and two self-made thermosetting resins as tackifiers and adding the filler and some modifiers the single-component thermosetting adhesive (sample 1 # and 2 #) were prepared.After the cured adhesive layer was soaked in the mixture of gasoline and methanol (mass ratio 85/15)for 72h,it did not debond and shrink. The adhesive is suitable for bonding of paper filter element to metal end cap.The sample 1 # has lower viscosity and fast setting rate(160℃×10min),so it is used for automatic assembly line production;sample 2 # has higher viscosity and slow setting rate (180℃×20min),so it is used for manual operation.