目的 探讨 IL- 1 0对培养的树突状细胞的影响。方法 采用 Ficoll- Hypaque淋巴细胞分离液从正常人外周血分离 PBMC,以细胞贴壁法分离得单核细胞。在 RPMI1 640培养液中加入 rh GM- CSF和rh IL- 4诱生树突状细胞 ( DC) ,分别在培养第 8,第 1 3d时加入 0 ,1 2 .5 ,2 5 ,5 0 ,1 0 0 ng/ml浓度梯度的 IL-1 0。作用 2 d后 ,用倒置相差显微镜或荧光显微镜观察细胞形态 ,流式细胞术分析 DC表型。结果 IL- 1 0对成熟 DC的表型表达无影响 ;IL - 1 0抑制未成熟 DC的共刺激分子 CD 86和 DC成熟特异标志 CDla,CD83的表达 ,对 CD80的表达没有影响 ;对未成熟 DC的 类抗原 HLA- DR的表达率无影响 ,但使其表达的平均荧光强度降低 ;IL- 1 0能使未成熟的 DC向耐受原性抗原提呈细胞 ( APC)转化。结论 为过敏性疾病和自身免疫性疾病的预防和治疗提供了实验依据。
Objective To investigate the effection of IL-10 on cultured dendritic cells.Methods In this study,cultured DCs generated from peripheral blood monocytes of normal human with rhGM-CSF and rhIL-4 for 3 weeks.These DCs were treated with IL-10 at various dases for 2 days on day 8 or 13 of culture.The phenotypes of DCs were analyzed by FACS.Results FACS analysis revealed that IL-10 didn't influence the expressing of phenotype of mature DCs.In immature DC,however,IL-10 inhibited expressing of the costimulatory molecules CD 86 and the specific DC marker CD 83,CDla,and for HLA-DR molecules.IL-10 didn't influence the percentage of the expressing HLA-DR Ags' cell,just inhibited the mean fluorescence intensity.Conclusion These data suggest that IL-10 converts immature DC into tolerogenic APC,which might be a useful tool in the therapy of patients with autoimmune or allergic diseases.
Journal of Modern Laboratory Medicine