
石鼓文刻年新考 被引量:7

New Study on the Carving Time of Inscriptions on Drum-Shaped Stone Blocks
摘要 引言 石鼓文是现存最早的石刻文字之一.石鼓文在我国文学史、书学史、金石学史、社会发展史上都具有极其重要的历史地位,尤其是在书法史上,千百年来被书界奉为"石刻之祖","书法瑰宝". In the Imperial Palace Museum, there treasure ten drum -shaped stone blocks, which enjoy the fame of 'the First Carved Stones in China' . Inscriptions on drum -shaped stone blocks are one of the earliest surviving characters carved on stone in our country. Historically, they are of great importance in the history of literature , calligraphy . epigraphy , and social development. Since Tang Dynasty, when carved stones were unearthed in the field of Fengxiang (now it is called Baoji), Shaanxi province, more than two hundred scholars have devoted themselves to the study of the inscriptions and writing papers about them. But because the stones have gone through so many generations and the characters are unclear due to erosion, and because the time when it was carved was not exactly recorded or marked, there are various explanations of the carving time of these inscriptions , ranging from King Zhou Cheng, (1024B. C. - 1005B. C. ) to the eleventh year of Unified Xiwei (545 A. D. ), which has a difference of 1550 years. As a result, there is no authoritative conclusion. Over the past few years, although gradually the carving time of these inscriptions has been fixed between the late Chunqiu Period and Chunqiu Warring States Period, there is still no fixed conclusion. By listing many historical facts in Stones of Wu people and Zuo's Biography, this dissertation puts forward that the drum-shaped stone blocks are the mementos for the triumph of Qing army over Wu army when succoring Chu State, which is in the thirtieth year of King Qing Aigong of the late Chunqiu period, i. e. 505 B. C.
作者 徐畅
出处 《考古与文物》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期75-83,共9页 Archaeology and Cultural Relics
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  • 1[3,4,6,7,8]参见徐畅:《石鼓文年代研究综述》.
  • 2[9,10,11,12,42]引见易越石著:《石鼓文书法与研究》85、125、178页.
  • 3.《左传》[M].,..
  • 4《公羊传》及《谷梁传》之《定公四年》俱日:"伍子胥父诛乎楚.挟弓去楚(《谷梁传》作‘挟弓持矢'),以干闔庐.""伍子胥奔吴"事见《左传@昭公二十年》及《吴越春秋》.吴王用伍子胥"三师以肄"计对付楚国,事见《昭公三十年》.余事见《左传@定公四年》.
  • 5囊瓦索贿,事见《左传@定公三年》.《公羊传@定公四年》记:"蔡昭公朝乎楚,有美裘焉.囊瓦求之,昭公不与,为是拘昭公于南郢.数年,然后归之.于其归焉.用事乎河,日:‘天下诸侯苟有能伐楚者,寡人请为之前列.'楚人闻之,怒.为是兴师,使囊瓦将而伐蔡.蔡请救于吴."《谷梁传@定公四年》所记,与之相间:"……蔡侯因之,以其子乾与其大夫之子为质于吴.冬,蔡侯、吴子、唐侯伐楚."
  • 6小别,山名.《左传全译》、《楚史》皆作汉川县;《楚史稿》作"湖北黄冈与河南光山县之间";《楚国史话》作"河南光山以南";《春秋史话》作"小别、大别均在汉阳县北".本文取"汉川县"说.大别,山名.《左传全译》作"汉阳县东北";《吴越春秋》、《楚史》作"武汉市西南".本文取武汉市西南.
  • 7清发,水名.《左传全译》、《楚史稿》、《春秋史稿》均作"安陆县";《楚史》作"涓水";《楚国史话》作"安陆涓水".本文取后说.
  • 8燧,火把.楚王使《金咸》尹固把火炬系在象尾上,使象冲击吴军才得脱险.
  • 9"蔡侯、吴子、唐侯伐楚"及"柏举大战"、"五战及郢",直至"吴人入郢"的全过程均见《左传@定公四年》记载.这段史实,引文未注出处者均见该文."以班处宫",意即吴国的君臣按照各自的官位的高低,分别住进楚国的宫室、府第.《公羊传@定公四年》记:"君舍于君室,大夫舍于大夫室.盖妻楚王之母也."《谷梁传@定公四年》记:"君居其君之寝而妻其君之妻,大夫居其大夫之寝而妻其大夫之妻.盖有欲妻楚王之母者."可佐证.
  • 10《谷梁传@定公四年》记日:"……坏宗庙,徙陈器,挞平王之墓.何不言灭也,欲存楚也."可与其它古文献互证.











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