Hybrids between Aegilops tauschii (2/1 = 14, DD) and Triticum dnrnm-Haynaldia villosa amphidiploid (2n = 42, AABBVV) were produced by embryo culture technique. The results showed that it was easier to obtain hybrids when Ae. tauschii used as female, and seed set in the three cross combinations was 59.18%, 67.72% and 60.22% and embryo gemination 39.13%, 38.10% and 50%, respectively. The hybrids were fertile, vigorous and morphologically alike to T. durum-H. villosa amphidiploid. Mean selfed seed set of the three hybrids was 7.63%. The average cmomosome pairing in the hybrids (DABV) was 25.36 univalents, 1.21 bivalents and 0.06 trivalents and chiasmata per cell was 1.38. All were higher a than those in Chinese Spring hap-loid (ABD). It suggested that homology existed between V genome and A, B and D genomes. The hybridization between Ae. tauschii and T. durum-H. villosa amphidiploid might be a new way of producing octoploid (2n = 56, AABBDDVV).
Triuctim durum, Haynaldia villosa, Aegilops tauschii, Intergeneric hybrid, Embryo culture, Chromosome pairing